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National Handwashing Awareness Week

Approximately, an average of 3,200 bacteria of 150 different species live on our hands. That's an excess! That's why hand washing is FUNDAMENTAL. Seriously, we at homppt  advocate washing your hands often. This year (2022) National Handwashing Awareness Week will take place December 5-11 and what better way to raise awareness than with a creative template like this one here. The slides have doodle illustrations of soap foam on them. All you have to do is add your specific information and that's it. Then wash your hands!

Approximately, an average of 3,200 bacteria of 150 different species live on our hands. That's an excess! That's why hand washing is FUNDAMENTAL. Seriously, we at homppt  advocate washing your hands often. This year (2022) National Handwashing Awareness Week will take place December 5-11 and what better way to raise awareness than with a creative template like this one here. The slides have doodle illustrations of soap foam on them. All you have to do is add your specific information and that's it. Then wash your hands!

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