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Process management training PPT template

This set of process management training PPT template uses a rounded triangle fill style, and uses the bustling city as a background, full of business-like design elements. The main content of PPT training is divided into: 1. Basic knowledge of process management; 2. Process analysis; 3. Collection of process data; 4. Drawing of flowcharts; 5. Organization and management of flowcharts; consists of 5 parts.

This set of process management training PPT template uses a rounded triangle fill style, and uses the bustling city as a background, full of business-like design elements. The main content of PPT training is divided into: 1. Basic knowledge of process management; 2. Process analysis; 3. Collection of process data; 4. Drawing of flowcharts; 5. Organization and management of flowcharts; consists of 5 parts.

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